Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why people should have cellphones

Have you ever been in a situation where, if you didn't have a cellphone, you would basically be screwed?  Well here's a true story about a friend of ours that may make all of you non-cellphone users reconsider getting a cellular device.

She was driving to work on a nice beautiful day...

Then things turned to shit.

Her car broke down and she had no choice but to leave it behind and look for help.
She was really optimistic going towards the first house she saw...

There was no answer.

She was starting to lose hope when the second house she went to had no answer too.

Luckily a kind old lady opened the door at the third house and offered her some cookies and milk.

She tried to hold it together....

But she had no dignity left.

This is for all of you non-believers out there that think they can make it through life without a cellphone.  The proven fact is that you can't.


  1. Fact - Using other peoples phones is much cheaper then having your own.

  2. Fact- If everyone thought like that no one would have a phone. :)

    That is also why children get their parents to pay the phone bills.
