Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Good Ol' Mr.A

Have you ever known anyone who always says what they want, not knowing it probably offends most of the world?  They don't mean to be rude, it's just their honest, crazy opinion.  In grade 9 we had an English teacher that was exactly like that.  What he said was so hilarious and uncalled for that we decided to write down everything that he said.  This page is dedicated to Mr. A and the crazy things he said.

"She looked like she was a day younger than Jesus."

"You know when you have dried up fruit?  Yeah, that's her face."

"This fat kid, he just looked like a rat.. so we called him Ratso."

"She kicked me in the shins and stole my ice-cream!"

"Ohhh.. she was ugly!  She was so ugly that when she walked down the street, dogs growled.. and squirrels hissed!"

"When I was a boy, we used to go up to girls and say 'Let your Tootsies roll!'"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Part 1 of the Movie Shenanigans

It is a known fact to all of our friends, that when it comes to going out to the movies, we have the worst history ever.Yet we still go. It's not that we don't enjoy movies, we are just incapable of seeing them in public. Each time we think we will be better. We won't stand out. We will all have a nice time.

      Despite these resolutions we stick out like healthy bars in a candy aisle. We have done everything in a theater from nearly suffocating to fighting  with the ticket booth vendor to hysterical fits of uncontrollable laughter during dramas.  I think we had a death wish.

        It all started when we went to see Benjamin Button a few years back. We were a little bit early  for the show so we decided to go into Dollarama to get snacks. Of course, you are not allowed to bring snacks into a movie, but who doesn't do that? We made our way to the candy aisle. We were discussing where we should hide the candy, when Mikhaila got confused and started shoving the candy into her jacket in plain view of the check-out counter. Luckily nobody saw her and we bought the candy at  the front desk.Now that it was almost time for the movie to start we hobbled our way over to the  theatre with our winter jackets nearly over-flowing with candy.

        When we got in the line-up we joked about them asking us to open our jackets, and all the candy would fall all over the floor. 

        We were laughing and cheerful,waiting impatiently for our tickets and then...

        Say what!? Nowhere on the web did Benjamin Button say 14A! We had made sure it was PG13. Which is  why none of us brought any I.D...:( *sadface*

        We crossed the parking lot and sat glumily in dairy queen, while I called my dad to come pick us up. He didn't understand why it was 14A either because he had checked on the web aswell. When he got  there he interogated the ticket booth vender about the rating, then eventually I think he talked to the manager. In the end they were wrong. It was PG13. They had simply put up the wrong rating. So we did end up going to see the movie, and we only missed the first ten minutes. The movie theater people were generally unsympathetic, which was annoying, but my dad had kind of caused a scene. Either way we enjoyed ourselves that night. Little did we know this would be the start of the bad luck movie curse that we haven't been able to shake till this day... to be continued.

          Sunday, November 28, 2010

          Super Spies

          Did you ever have a moment in childhood where you became a super awesome detective?

          In grade seven, me and two friends were coming from the bathroom.  We were walking back to our class, and in the hallway we see our friend "Potato Sack" walking with one hand behind his back.  We wave and he waves back, but he look suspicious.

          When he passes us we look back and see that he has my bottle of Gatorade.  We started to question whether "Potato Sack" was really our friend or not.

          We waited for him to come back into the class.
           When he returned it was time for us to investigate.  Since our school was fairly small and had only two hallways, this was easy.  One of my friends showed us where he usually went after school.

          We go into the room, where there is a pop machine, a freezer and tons of other useless things.  We all thought there's only one place it could be if it's in here.

          So we reached in to the machine slot where the drinks come out and....

          We found my Gatorade!!!

          After that we became the best super spies you could ever have imagined and we continued to save the world from injustice.

          Saturday, November 27, 2010

          Why people should have cellphones

          Have you ever been in a situation where, if you didn't have a cellphone, you would basically be screwed?  Well here's a true story about a friend of ours that may make all of you non-cellphone users reconsider getting a cellular device.

          She was driving to work on a nice beautiful day...

          Then things turned to shit.

          Her car broke down and she had no choice but to leave it behind and look for help.
          She was really optimistic going towards the first house she saw...

          There was no answer.

          She was starting to lose hope when the second house she went to had no answer too.

          Luckily a kind old lady opened the door at the third house and offered her some cookies and milk.

          She tried to hold it together....

          But she had no dignity left.

          This is for all of you non-believers out there that think they can make it through life without a cellphone.  The proven fact is that you can't.